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American Goldfinch DJ 1300-12
American Goldfinch DJ 1334
American Goldfinch DJ 1355
American Redstart DJ 1300-13
American Redstart DJ 1388
American Robin DJ 1300-14
American Robin DJ 1335
American Robin DJ 1356
American Robin DJ 1389
Baltimore Oriole DJ 1300-15
Baltimore Oriole DJ 1310
Black Capped Chickadee DJ 1311
Black Tail Gnatcatcher DJ 1381
Black Tail Gnatcatcher DJ 1382
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1384
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1385
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1386
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1387
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1300-11
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Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1358
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