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Chuck Haney
Donald M. Jones
Paul Andes
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Bald Eagle DJ100
5 Burrowing Owls DJ 101
Burrowing Owl DJ 102
Common Loon DJ 1400
Common Loon DJ 1401
Black Capped Chickadee DJ 1300
Cassins Finch DJ 1301
Common Redpoll DJ 1302
Bluebird DJ 1303
Common Redpoll DJ 1304
Pine Grosbeaks DJ 1338
Mountain Chicadee DJ 1309
Raven DJ 702
Great Gray Owl DJ 103
Great Gray Owl DJ 104
Great Horned Owl DJ 105
Long-eared Owlet DJ 106
Northern Pygmy Owl DJ 107
Northern Pygmy Owl DJ 108
Ringneck Pheasant DJ 741
Rufus Hummingbird DJ 705
Rufus Hummingbird DJ 706
Rufus Hummingbird DJ 707
Sandhill Cranes DJ 1405
Snowy Owl DJ 110
Trumpeter Swan DJ 1402
Wood Duck DJ 1403
Wood Duck DJ 1404
American Bison DJ 001
American Bison DJ 002
American Bison DJ 003
American Bison DJ 004
American Bison DJ 005
Short Eared Owl DJ 109
Black Bear DJ 200
Black Bear DJ 201
Black Bear DJ 202
Black Bear DJ 203
Black Bear DJ 204
Black Bear DJ 205
Black Bear DJ 206
Black Bear DJ 207
Black Bear DJ 208
Black Bear DJ 209
Grizzly DJ 601
Grizzly DJ 602
Grizzly DJ 603
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1700
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1701
Wild Sheep DJ 1702
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1704
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1705
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1706
Wild Sheep DJ 1708
Wild Sheep Rams DJ 1709
Mountain Goats DJ 1000
Mountain Goats DJ 1001
Mountain Goat DJ 1002
Mountain Goats DJ 1003
Mountain Goat DJ 1004
Mountain Goat DJ 1005
Mountain Goat DJ 1006
Mountain Goat DJ 1007
Mountain Goat DJ 1009
Mountain Goat DJ 1010
Lynx DJ 800
Mountain Lion DJ 801
Black Tailed Prairie Dog DJ 803
Least Chipmunk DJ 804
Wolf DJ 1900
Elk DJ 400
Bull Elk DJ 401
Elk Fawns DJ 402
Elk DJ 403
Bull Elk DJ 404
Bull Elk DJ 405
Golden Mantel Ground Squirrel DJ 805
Least Chipmunk DJ 806
Bull Moose DJ 900
Bull Moose Pair DJ 901
Bull Moose DJ 902
Moose Cow DJ 903
Moose Cow DJ 905
Bull Moose DJ 906
Moose Pair DJ 907
Bull Moose DJ 908
Bull Moose DJ 909
Mule Deer DJ 1100
Mule Deer DJ 1101
Mule Deer DJ 1102
Mule Deer DJ 1103
Mule Deer Fawn DJ 1105
Pika DJ 807
Pine Marten DJ 808
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1200
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1202
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1203
Red Fox DJ 809
Fox Kits DJ 810
Fox Kits DJ 811
Red Fox DJ 812
Red Fox DJ 813
Snowshoe Hare DJ 814
Whitetail Deer DJ 1500
Whitetail Deer DJ 1501
Whitetail Doe and Fawn DJ 1502
Whitetail Doe and Fawn DJ 1504
Whitetail Doe and Fawn DJ 1505
Whitetail Buck DJ 1506
Whitetail Buck DJ 1508
Whitetail Jack Rabbit DJ 815
Wild Horse Stallion DJ 1600
Wild Horse Stallion DJ 1602
Wild Horse Stallion DJ 1603
Wild Horse DJ 1604
Wild Horses DJ 1605
Wild Horse DJ 1606
Wild Horse Stallions DJ 1608
Wolf DJ 1901
Wolf DJ 1902
Badlands NP CH 2000
Badlands NP CH 2001
Badlands NP CH 2002
Badlands NP CH 2003
Badlands NP CH 2004
Badlands NP CH 2005
Badlands NP CH 2006
Badlands NP CH 2007
Badlands NP CH 2008
Badlands NP CH 2009
Mount Rushmore CH 2010
Mount Rushmore CH 2011
Mount Rushmore CH 2012
Mount Rushmore CH 2013
Mount Rushmore CH 2014
Death Valley CH 2100
Death Valley CH 2101
Death Valley CH 2102
Death Valley CH 2103
Death Valley CH 2104
Death Valley CH 2105
Scotty's Castle CH 2106
Scotty's Castle CH 2107
Scotty's Castle CH 2108
Death Valley CH 2109
Furnace Creek CH 2110
Furnace Creek CH 2111
Joshua Tree CH 2112
Joshua Tree CH 2113
Joshua Tree CH 2114
Joshua Tree CH 2115
Joshua Tree CH 2116
Joshua Tree CH 2117
Joshua Tree CH 2118
Glacier National Park CH 2200
Glacier National Park CH 2201
Glacier National Park CH 2202
Glacier National Park CH 2203
Glacier National Park CH 2204
Glacier National Park CH 2205
Glacier National Park CH 2206
Glacier National Park CH 2207
Glacier National Park CH 2208
Glacier National Park CH 2209
Glacier National Park CH 2210
Glacier National Park CH 2211
Glacier National Park CH 2212
Glacier National Park CH 2213
Glacier National Park CH 2215
Glacier National Park CH 2216
Glacier National Park CH 2217
Glacier National Park CH 2218
Glacier National Park CH 2219
Glacier National Park CH 2220
Glacier National Park CH 2221
Glacier National Park CH 2222
Glacier National Park CH 2223
Glacier National Park CH 2224
Glacier National Park CH 2225
Glacier National Park CH 2226
Glacier National Park CH 2227
Glacier National Park CH 2228
Glacier National Park CH 2229
Glacier National Park CH 2230
Glacier National Park CH 2231
Glacier National Park CH 2232
Glacier National Park CH 2233
Glacier National Park CH 2234
Glacier National Park CH 2235
Glacier National Park CH 2236
Glacier National Park CH 2237
Glacier National Park CH 2238
Glacier National Park CH 2239
Glacier National Park CH 2240
Glacier National Park CH 2241
Glacier National Park CH 2242
Glacier National Park CH 2243
Glacier National Park CH 2244
Glacier National Park CH 2245
Grand Canyon CH 2300
Grand Canyon CH 2301
Grand Canyon CH 2302
Grand Canyon CH 2303
Grand Canyon CH 2304
Grand Canyon CH 2305
Grand Canyon CH 2306
Grand Canyon CH 2307
Grand Canyon CH 2308
Montana CH 2400
Montana CH 2401
Montana CH 2402
Montana CH 2403
Montana CH 2404
Montana CH 2405
Montana CH 2406
Washington CH 2700
Washington CH 2701
Washington CH 2702
Washington CH 2703
Washington CH 2704
Washington CH 2705
Washington CH 2706
Washington CH 2725
Washington CH 2707
Washington CH 2708
Washington CH 2709
Washington CH 2710
Washington CH 2711
Washington CH 2712
Washington CH 2713
Washington CH 2714
Washington CH 2715
Washington CH 2716
Washington CH 2717
Washington CH 2718
Washington CH 2719
Washington CH 2720
Washington CH 2721
Washington CH 2722
Washington CH 2723
Wyoming CH 3001
Wyoming CH 3004
Wyoming CH 3003
Wyoming 3002
Yellowstone CH 2800
Grand Teton CH 2900
Wyoming CH 3000
Yellowstone CH 2801
Yellowstone CH 2802
Yellowstone CH 2803
Devils Tower CH 3100
Devils Tower CH 3101
Devils Tower CH 3102
Devils Tower CH 3103
Badlands CH 2015
Grand Teton CH 2901
Grand Teton CH 2902
Grand Teton CH 2903
Grand Teton CH 2904
Grand Teton CH 2905
Jackson Hole CH 2906
Jackson Hole CH 2907
Yellowstone Ch 2804
Yellowstone Ch 2805
Yellowstone CH 2812
Yellowstone CH 2813
Yellowstone Ch 2806
Yellowstone Ch 2807
Yellowstone Ch 2808
Yellowstone Ch 2809
Yellowstone Ch 2810
Yellowstone CH 2851
Grand Teton CH 2908
Yellowstone CH 2811
Wyoming CH 3100
Wyoming CH 3005
Wyoming CH 3006
Yellowstone CH 2852
Yellowstone CH 2813
Yellowstone CH 2814
Yellowstone CH 2815
Zion CH 3200
Zion CH 3201
Zion CH 3202
Zion CH 3203
Zion CH 3204
Zion CH 3205
Zion CH 3206
Zion CH 3207
Zion CH 3208
Zion CH 3209
Zion CH 3210
Zion CH 3211
Zion CH 3212
Zion CH 3213
Zion CH 3214
Zion CH 3215
Zion CH 3216
Zion CH 3217
Zion CH 3218
Zion CH 3219
Zion CH 3220
Zion CH 3221
Zion CH 3222
Zion CH 3223
Zion CH 3224
Zion CH 3225
Zion CH 3226
Zion CH 3227
Zion CH 3228
Zion CH 3229
Zion CH 3230
Zion CH 3231
Zion CH 3232
Zion CH 3233
Oregon CH 2500
Oregon CH 2501
Oregon CH 2502
Oregon CH 2503
Oregon CH 2504
Oregon CH 2505
Oregon CH 2506
Oregon CH 2507
Oregon CH 2508
Oregon CH 2509
Oregon CH 2511
Oregon CH 2512
Oregon CH 2510
Crater Lake NP CH 2600
Crater Lake NP CH 2601
Crater Lake NP CH 2602
Crater Lake NP CH 2603
Crater Lake NP CH 2604
Crater Lake NP CH 2605
Oregon CH 2513
Oregon CH 2514
Oregon CH 2515
Oregon CH 2516
Oregon CH 2517
Oregon CH 2518
Oregon CH 2519
Oregon CH 2520
Oregon CH 2521
Oregon CH 2522
Oregon CH 2523
Oregon CH 2524
Oregon CH 2525
Oregon CH 2526
Oregon CH 2527
Oregon CH 2528
Oregon CH 2529
Oregon CH 2530
Oregon CH 2531
Oregon CH 2532
Oregon CH 2533
Oregon CH 2534
Baltimore Oriole DJ 1310
Barred Owl DJ 111
Black Capped Chickadee DJ 1311
Blue Jay DJ 1312
Bohemian Waxwing DJ 1313
Cedar Waxwing DJ 1314
Common Yellowthroat DJ 1315
Dark-eyed Junco DJ 1316
Downy Woodpecker DJ 708
Evening Grosbeak DJ 1318
Gambels Quail DJ 501
Gray Catbird DJ 1320
Gray Jay DJ 1321
Great Blue Heron DJ 1406
Great Egret DJ 1407
Hairy Woodpecker DJ 709
Nashville Warbler DJ 1322
Northern Cardinal DJ 1323
Northern Cardinal DJ 1324
Northern Saw-whet DJ 112
Osprey DJ 113
Pileated Woodpecker DJ 710
Red Breasted Nuthatch DJ 1325
Redwing Blackbird DJ 1326
Ringneck Pheasant DJ 502
Grizzly DJ 605
Grizzly DJ 604
Ruffed Sage Grouse DJ 737
Sharp-tailed Grouse DJ 743
Snow Bunting DJ 505
Song Sparrow DJ 1327
Tree Swallow DJ 1328
Western Meadowlark DJ 1329
Western Screech Owl DJ 114
White Breasted Nuthatch DJ 1332
Winter Wren DJ 1330
Wood Duck DJ 1408
Yellowheaded Blackbird DJ 1352
Yellow-rumped Warbler DJ 1333
American Avocet DJ 1409
American Goldfinch DJ 1334
American Kestral DJ 115
American Robin DJ 1335
American Bison Calves DJ 006
American Bison DJ 007
American Bison DJ 008
Wild Sheep DJ 1710
Wild Sheep DJ 1711
Wild Sheep DJ 1712
Wild Sheep DJ 1713
Wild Sheep DJ 1714
Wild Sheep DJ 1715
Black Bear DJ 210
Black Bear DJ 211
Black Bear DJ 212
Canada Goose DJ 1410
Canada Goose DJ 1411
Common Loon DJ 1412
Coyote DJ 816
Coyote Pups DJ 817
Coyote DJ 818
Bull Elk DJ 403
Bull Elk DJ 406
Bull Elk DJ 407
Bull Elk DJ 408
Bull Elk DJ 409
Great Egret DJ 1422
Greater Sage Grouse DJ 734
Grizzly and Cub DJ 602
Grizzly Cub DJ 606
Grizzly and Cub DJ 607
Grizzly DJ 608
Grizzly DJ 609
Grizzly DJ 610
Grizzly DJ 611
Grizzly DJ 612
Mallards DJ 1413
Mallard DJ 1414
Mallard Ducklings DJ 1415
Moose DJ 903
Moose DJ 904
Moose DJ 910
Moose DJ 911
Mountain Goat DJ 1011
Mountain Goat DJ 1012
Northern Pintail DJ 1416
Northern Pintail DJ 1417
Northern Pintail DJ 1418
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1201
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1202
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1204
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1205
Ruffed Grouse DJ 735
Ruffed Grouse DJ 736
Sharp-tailed Grouse DJ 738
Snow Goose DJ 1419
Snow Goose DJ 1420
Whitetail Deer DJ 1506
Whitetail Deer DJ 1507
Whitetail Fawn DJ 1509
Whitetail Buck DJ 1510
Whitetail Deer DJ 1511
Whitetail Deer DJ 1512
White-tailed Ptarmagin DJ 739
White-tailed Ptarmagin DJ 740
Wild Horse DJ 1609
Wild Horse DJ 1610
Wild Horse DJ 1611
Wild Horse DJ 1612
Wild Horse DJ 1613
Wild Horse DJ 1614
Wild Horse DJ 1615
Wild Horse DJ 1616
Wild Horse DJ 1617
Wolf DJ 1903
Wolf DJ 1904
Wolf DJ 1905
Wolf DJ 1906
Wolf DJ 1907
Wolf DJ 1908
Wolf DJ 1910
Wolf DJ 1909
Wolf DJ 1911
Wood Duck DJ 1421
Montana CH 2407
Montana CH 2408
Montana CH 2409
Montana CH 2410
Montana CH 2411
Montana CH 2412
Montana CH 2413
Montana CH 2414
Montana CH 2415
Montana CH 2416
Montana CH 2417
Montana CH 2418
Montana CH 2419
Montana CH 2420
Montana CH 2421
Montana CH 2422
Montana CH 2423
Montana CH 2424
Montana CH 2425
Montana CH 2426
Montana CH 2427
Montana CH 2428
Montana CH 2429
Montana CH 2430
Montana CH 2431
Montana CH 2432
Montana CH 2433
Montana CH 2434
Montana CH 2435
Montana CH 2436
Montana CH 2437
Montana CH 2438
Montana CH 2440
Montana CH 2441
Montana CH 2442
Montana CH 2443
Montana CH 2444
Montana CH 2445
Montana CH 2446
Montana CH 2447
Montana CH 2448
Montana CH 2449
Montana CH 2450
Montana CH 2451
Montana CH 2452
Montana CH 2453
Montana CH 2454
Montana CH 2455
Montana CH 2456
Montana CH 2457
Montana CH 2458
Montana CH 2459
Montana CH 2460
Montana CH 2461
Montana CH 2462
Montana CH 2463
Montana CH 2464
Montana CH 2465
Montana CH 2466
Montana CH 2467
Montana CH 2468
Montana PA 2469
Glacier National Park PA 2247
Glacier National Park PA 2248
Glacier National Park PA 2249
Montana PA 2470
Montana PA 2471
Montana PA 2472
Montana PA 2473
Glacier National Park PA 2250
Glacier National Park PA 2251
Glacier National Park PA 2252
Glacier National Park PA 2253
Glacier National Park PA 2254
Montana PA 2473
American Bison PA 009
Glacier National Park PA 2255
Glacier National Park PA 2256
Montana PA 2474
Montana PA 2475
Montana PA 2476
Montana PA 2477
Glacier National Park PA 2257
Boot PA 2400-3
Montana PA 2478
Montana PA 2479
Montana PA 2480
Glacier National Park PA 2258
Whitetail Deer PA 1513
Montana PA 2481
Montana PA 2482
Montana PA 2483
Montana PA 2484
Montana PA 2485
Montana PA 2486
American Bison PA 010
Montana PA 2487
Yellowstone PA 2818
Yellowstone PA 2819
Yellowstone PA 2820
Yellowstone PA 2821
Montanan PA 2488
Montanan PA 2489
Yellowstone PA 2822
Yellowstone PA 2823
Yellowstone PA 2824
Yellowstone PA 2825
American Bison PA 011
Yellowstone PA 2826
Butte CH 3401
Butte CH 3402
Butte CH 3403
Butte CH 3404
Butte CH 3405
Butte CH 3406
Butte CH 3407
Butte CH 3408
Butte CH 3409
Butte CH 3410
Butte CH 3411
Butte CH 3412
Butte CH 3413
Butte CH 3414
Missoula CH 3500
Missoula CH 3501
Missoula CH 3502
Missoula CH 3503
Missoula CH 3504
Missoula CH 3505
Missoula CH 3506
Missoula CH 3507
Missoula CH 3508
Missoula CH 3510
Missoula CH 3511
Missoula CH 3512
Missoula CH 3513
Missoula CH 3514
Missoula CH 3515
Portland CH 3600
Portland CH 3601
Portland CH 3602
Portland CH 3603
Portland CH 3604
Portland CH 3605
Portland CH 3606
Portland CH 3607
Portland CH 3608
Portland CH 3609
Portland CH 3610
Portland CH 3611
Portland CH 3612
Portland CH 3613
Portland CH 3614
San Francisco CH 3700
San Francisco CH 3701
San Francisco CH 3702
San Francisco CH 3703
San Francisco CH 3704
San Francisco CH 3705
San Francisco CH 3706
San Francisco CH 3707
San Francisco CH 3708
San Francisco CH 3709
San Francisco CH 3711
San Francisco CH 3712
San Francisco CH 3713
San Francisco CH 3714
San Francisco CH 3715
San Francisco CH 3716
San Francisco CH 3717
San Francisco CH 3718
San Francisco CH 3719
San Francisco CH 3720
San Francisco CH 3721
San Francisco CH 3722
San Francisco CH 3723
San Francisco CH 3724
San Francisco CH 3725
San Francisco CH 3726
San Francisco CH 3727
San Francisco CH 3728
San Francisco CH 3729
San Francisco CH 3730
San Francisco CH 3731
San Francisco CH 3732
San Francisco CH 3733
San Francisco CH 3734
San Francisco CH 3735
San Francisco CH 3736
San Francisco CH 3737
San Francisco CH 3738
San Francisco CH 3739
San Francisco CH 3740
San Francisco CH 3741
San Francisco CH 3742
San Francisco CH 3743
San Francisco CH 3744
San Francisco CH 3745
San Francisco CH 3746
San Francisco CH 3747
Seattle CH 3800
Seattle CH 3801
Seattle CH 3802
Seattle CH 3803
Seattle CH 3804
Seattle CH 3805
Seattle CH 3806
Seattle CH 3807
Seattle CH 3808
Seattle CH 3809
Seattle CH 3810
Seattle CH 3811
Seattle CH 3812
Seattle CH 3813
Seattle CH 3814
Seattle CH 3815
Seattle CH 3816
Seattle CH 3817
Seattle CH 3818
Seattle CH 3819
Seattle CH 3820
Seattle CH 3821
Spokane CH 3900
Spokane CH 3901
Spokane CH 3902
Spokane CH 3903
Spokane CH 3904
Spokane CH 3905
Spokane CH 3906
Spokane CH 3907
Montana PA 2489
American Bison PA 009
Lake Tahoe PA 4000
Lake Tahoe PA 4001
Black-capped- Chickadee DJ 1300
Cassins Finch DJ 1301
Common Redpoll DJ 1304
Pine Grosbeaks DJ 1305
Songbirds DJ 1331
Beargrass CH 4001
Blue Penstemon CH 4002
Blue Clematis CH 4004
Blue Fax CH 4004
Bunchberry Dogwood CH 4005
Columbia Gorge Wildflowers (P) CH 4006
Columbia Gorge Wildflowers (L) CH 4007 (copy)
Desert Paintbrush CH 4008
Foxtail Barley CH 4009 (L) CH 4009
Foxtail Barley CH 4010 (P) (copy)
Hill Country Wildflowers CH 4011
Lily Pad Flower CH 4012
Lupine (L) Detail CH 4013
Lupine Field CH 4014
Lupine (L) Field CH 4015
Pasque Flower CH 4016
Prairie Smoke CH 4017 (L)
Prairie Smoke CH 4017 (L)
Prairie Smoke CH 4018 (P)
Prairie Sunflower CH 4019
Prickly Pear CH 4020
Shooting Stars CH 4021 Detail
Shooting Stars CH 4022 (L)
Tiger Lily CH 4023
Washington Lily CH 4024 Detail
Washington Lily CH 4025
Weston Prairie CH 4026
Wild Iris CH 4027
Wild Radish CH 4028
Wild Roses CH 4029
Red Barn Canola CH 4100
Cattle at Sunset CH 4101
Collins Granary CH 4102
Columbine Harvest CH 4102
Cornfield Sunrise CH 4104
Dramatic Sunset CH 4104
Frost Crystals CH 4105
Harvest Flathead CH 4107
Hood Orchards CH 4108
Hot Springs Barn CH 4109
Lentil Peas (L) CH 4110
Lentil Peas (P) CH 4111 (copy)
Moscow Barn CH 4112
Moulton Barn CH 4113
Palouse Aerial CH 4114
Palouse Hills CH 4115
Palouse Wheat Barn CH 4116
Rollins Barn CH 4117
Skagit Tulips CH 4118
Walla Walla Vineyards CH 4119
Whitefish Barn Rainbow CH 4120
Windmill Sunrise CH 4121
Aurora with Tipi CH 2260
Garden Wall Dusting CH 2261
Jammer Bus CH 2262
Little Dog Summit CH 2263
Pray Lake CH 2264
Wild Goose Island CH 2265
Osprey DJ 130
Osprey DJ 131
Osprey DJ 132
Osprey DJ 133
Osprey DJ 134
Osprey DJ 135
Osprey DJ 136
Osprey DJ 137
Osprey DJ 138
Osprey DJ 139
Bald Eagle DJ 140
Bald Eagle DJ 120
Bald Eagle DJ 141
Grapes CH 4125
Grand Canyon CH 2309
Grand Canyon CH 2310
Grand Canyon CH 2311
Grand Canyon CH 2312
Grand Canyon CH 2313
Grand Canyon CH 2314
Grand Canyon CH 2315
Grand Canyon CH 2316
Grand Canyon CH 2317
Grand Canyon CH 2318
Grand Canyon CH 2319 (copy)
Grand Canyon CH 2320
Grand Canyon CH 2321
Grand Canyon CH 2322
Grand Canyon CH 2323
Grand Canyon CH 2324
Grand Canyon CH 2325
Grand Canyon CH 2326
Grand Canyon CH 2327
Antelope Canyon CH 2330
Antelope Canyon CH 2331
Antelope Canyon CH 2332
Antelope Canyon CH 2334
Antelope Canyon CH 2335
Antelope Canyon CH 2336
Antelope Canyon CH 2337
Antelope Canyon CH 2338
Grand Canyon CH 2339
Grand Canyon CH 2340
Death Valley CH 2113
Death Valley CH 2114
Death Valley CH 2115
Glacier National Park CH 2266
Glacier National Park CH 2267
Glacier National Park CH 2268
Glacier National Park CH 2269
Glacier National Park CH 2270
Glacier National Park CH 2271
Glacier National Park CH 2272
Glacier National Park CH 2273
Glacier National Park CH 2274
Glacier National Park CH 2275
Glacier National Park CH 2276
Glacier National Park CH 2277
Glacier National Park CH 2278
Glacier National Park CH 2279
Glacier National Park CH 2280
Glacier National Park CH 2281
Glacier National Park CH 2282
Glacier National Park CH 2283
Glacier National Park CH 2284
Glacier National Park CH 2285
Glacier National Park CH 2286
Lake Tahoe PA 4002
Lake Tahoe PA 4003
Lake Tahoe PA 4004
Lake Tahoe PA 4005
Lake Tahoe PA 4006
Lake Tahoe PA 4007
Lake Tahoe PA 4008
Lake Tahoe PA 4009
Lake Tahoe PA 4010
Lake Tahoe PA 4011
Yellowstone CH 2827
Yellowstone CH 2828
Yellowstone CH 2829
Yellowstone CH 2830
Yellowstone CH 2831
Yellowstone CH 2832
Yellowstone CH 2833
Yellowstone CH 2834
Yellowstone CH 2835
Yellowstone CH 2836
Yellowstone CH 2837
Yellowstone CH 2839
Yellowstone CH 2840
Yellowstone CH 2841
Yellowstone CH 2842
Yellowstone CH 2843
Yellowstone CH 2844
Yellowstone CH 2845
Yellowstone CH 2846
Yellowstone CH 2847
Yellowstone CH 2849
Yellowstone CH 2850
Yellowstone CH 2848
Zion CH 3234
Zion CH 3235
Zion CH 3236
Zion CH 3237
Zion CH 3238
Zion CH 3239
Zion CH 3240
Zion CH 3241
Zion CH 3242
Zion CH 3243
Zion CH 3244
Zion CH 3245
Zion CH 3246
Zion CH 3247
Zion CH 3248
Zion CH 3249
Zion CH 3250
Zion CH 3251
Zion CH 3252
Zion CH 3253
Zion CH 3254
Badger DJ 834
Bighorn Sheep DJ 1529
Badger 2 DJ 835
Badger 3 DJ 836
Badger 4 DJ 837
Beaver 1 DJ 838
Beaver 2 DJ 839
Beaver 3 DJ 840
Bighorn Sheep DJ 1537
Bighorn Sheep DJ 1538
Bighorn Sheep DJ 1539
Bighorn Sheep DJ 1540
Black Tail Gnatcatcher DJ 1381
Black Tail Gnatcatcher DJ 1382
Brown Bear DJ 646
Black tail Jack Rabbit DJ 841
Black tail Jack Rabbit DJ 841
Common Chuckwalla DJ 842
Common Chuckwalla DJ 843
Common Chuckwalla DJ 881
Coyote DJ 844
Coyote DJ 845
Coyote DJ 846
Coyote DJ 847
Coyote DJ 848
Coyote DJ 849
Curved Bill Thrasher DJ 1378
Curved Bill Thrasher DJ 1377
Curved Bill Thrasher DJ 1380
Curved Bill Thrasher DJ 1379
Desert Cottontail DJ 850
Desert Cottontail DJ 851
Gambels Quail DJ 723
Elk DJ 469
Elk DJ 470
Elk DJ 471
Elk DJ 472
Fox Squirrel DJ 852
Gambels Quail DJ 724
Gambels Quail DJ 725
Gambels Quail DJ 726
Gambels Quail DJ 727
Gila Monster DJ 853
Gila Monster DJ 854
Gila Monster DJ 855
Gila Monster DJ 856
Greater Roadrunner DJ 719
Greater Roadrunner DJ 720
Greater Roadrunner DJ 721
Greater Roadrunner DJ 722
Green Tail Towhee DJ 1374
Green Tail Towhee DJ 1375
Green Tail Towhee DJ 1376
Grizzly DJ 650
Grizzly DJ 647
Grizzly DJ 648
Harlequin Duck DJ 5069
Harlequin Duck DJ 5070
Harlequin Duck DJ 5071
Harlequin Duck DJ 5072
Hooded Oriole DJ 1371
Hooded Oriole SJ 1372
Javalina DJ 857
Javalina DJ 858
Javalina DJ 859
Javalina DJ 860
Moose DJ 954
Moose DJ 955
Moose DJ 956
Moose DJ 957
Moose DJ 958
Moose DJ 959
Moose DJ 960
Moose DJ 961
Mountain Cottontail DJ 861
Mountain Goat DJ 1013
Mountain Goat DJ 1014
Mountain Goat DJ 1015
Mountain Goat DJ 1016
Mountain Goat DJ 1017
Mountain Goat DJ 1018
Mountain Goat DJ 1019
Mountain Goat DJ 1020
Mountain Goat DJ 1021
Mountain Goat DJ 1022
Mountain Goat DJ 1023
Mule Deer DJ 1111
Mule Deer DJ 1112
Mule Deer DJ 1113
Mule Deer DJ 1114
Mule Deer DJ 1115
Phainopepla DJ 1370
Pine Squirrel DJ 866
Pyrrhuloxia DJ 1366
Pyrrhuloxia DJ 1367
Pyrrhuloxia DJ 1368
Pyrrhuloxia DJ 1369
Red Fox DJ 862
Red Fox DJ 863
Red Fox Dj 864
Red Fox DJ 865
Rufus Hummingbird DJ 718
Short-horned Lizard DJ 867
Short-horned Lizard DJ 868
Snowy Owl DJ 155
Yellow-bellied Marmot DJ 869
Western Rattlesnake DJ 870
Western Rattlesnake DJ 871
Western Rattlesnake DJ 872
Western Rattlesnake DJ 873
Western Rattlesnake DJ 874
Western Rattlesnake DJ 875
Whitetail Antelope Squirrel DJ 876
Whitetail Antelope Squirrel DJ 877
Whitetail Antelope Squirrel DJ 878
White tail Antelope Squirrel DJ 879
Whitetail Antelope Squirrel DJ 880
Whitetail Deer DJ 1525
Whitetail Deer DJ 1526
Whitetail Deer DJ 1527
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 728
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 729
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 730
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 731
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 732
Whitetail Ptarmigan DJ 733
Wolf DJ 1912
Wolf DJ 1913
Wolf DJ 1914
Wolf DJ 1915
Wolf DJ 1916
Wood Duck DJ 5068
Elk DJ 473
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher DJ 1383
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1387
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1384
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1385
Black Throated Sparrow DJ 1386
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1537
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1520
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1521
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1522
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1523
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1524
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1525
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1526
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1527
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1528
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1529
Desert Bighorn Sheep Dj 1530
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1531
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1532
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1533
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1534
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1535
Desert Bighorn Sheep DJ 1536
American Bison DJ 012
American Bison DJ 013
American Bison DJ 014
American Bison DJ 015
American Bison DJ 016
American Bison DJ 017
American Bison DJ 018
American Bison DJ 019
American Bison DJ 020
American Bison DJ 021
American Bison DJ 022
American Bison DJ 023
American Bison DJ 024
American Bison DJ 025
American Bison DJ 026
American Bison DJ 027
American Bison DJ 028
American Bison DJ 029
VooDoo Donuts CH2535
Yaquina Lighthouse CH 2536
Windsurfing CH 2537
Starvation Falls CH 2540
Tumalo Falls CH 2538
Windsurfing CH 2539
Starvation Falls CH 2541
Thors Well CH 2542
Starvation Creek CH 2543
Silver Falls Trail CH 2545
Silver Falls Bridge CH 2544
Punchbowl Falls CH 2546
Proxy Falls CH 2547
Japanese Gardens Bridge CH 2548
Portland Sign CH 2549
Portland Skyline CH 2550
Portland Dock CH 2551
Japanese Gardens CH 2552
Pacific Albus CH 2553
Pillars of Rome CH 2554
Metlako Falls CH 2555
Lower Punchbowl CH 2556
Lautorell Falls CH 2557
Japanese Gardens CH 2558
Columbia River Road CH 2559
Heceta Lighthouse CH 2560
Hood Rive Kiteboarder CH 2561
Elowah Falls CH 2562
Skagit Tulips CH 2726
Rialto Beach CH 2727
Olympic NP Beach CH 2728
Olympic NP Waterfall CH 2729
Mount Ranier CH 2730
Olympic NP Beach CH 2731
Merriman Falls CH 2732
Hoh Road CH 2733
Experience Music Project CH 2734
Hoh Road Ch 2735
Nooksack Falls Ch 2736
Moonsella Tulips CH 4035
Lilly Pads CH 4030
Rhododendron CH 4031
Farm Truck and Flowers CH 4032
Corn Lilly CH 4033
Foxglove CH 4034
Skagit Tulips CH 2726
Montana Bear Mountain PA 2491
Wild Horses DJ 1620
Bull Elk DJ 410
Bull Elk DJ 411
Bull Elk DJ 412
Bull Elk DJ 413
Bull Elk DJ 414
Bull Elk DJ 415
Elk DJ 422
Bull Elk DJ 416
Bull Elk DJ 417
Elk DJ 418
Elk DJ 419
Elk DJ 420
Elk DJ 421
Elk DJ 422
Riot of Color PA 4036
Alia Heavyrunner Product Number NA 0001
American Bison DJ 031
American Bison DJ 030
American Bison DJ 032
Greater White fronted Goose DJ 5000
Elk DJ 423
Elk DJ 424
Elk DJ 425
Elk DJ 426
Elk DJ 427
Elk DJ 428
Elk DJ 429
Elk DJ 430
Elk DJ 431
Elk DJ 432
Elk DJ 433
Elk DJ 434
Elk DJ 435
Elk DJ 436
Elk DJ 437
Elk DJ 438
Common Goldeneye DJ 5001
Ruddy Duck DJ 5002
Ring Necked Duck DJ 5003
American Widgeon DJ 5004
Wood Duck DJ 5005
Green Wing Teal DJ 5006
Northern Pintail DJ 5007
American Widgeon DJ 5008
Bufflehead DJ 5009
Northern Pintail DJ 5010
Long tailed Duck DJ 5011
American Widgeon DJ 5012
Mallard DJ 5013
Mallard DJ 5014
Lesser Scaup DJ 5015
American Widgeon DJ 5016
Green Wing Teal DJ 5017
Gadwall DJ 5018
Harlequin Duck DJ 5019
Canvasback DJ 5020
Wood Duck DJ 5021
Mallard DJ 5022
American Widgeon DJ 5023
Green Wing Teal DJ 5024
Northern Shoveler DJ 5025
Mallards DJ 5027
Northern Pintail DJ 5028
Harlequin Duck DJ 5029
Harlequin Duck DJ 5030
Lesser Scaup DJ 5031
Wood Duck DJ 5032
Northern Pintail DJ 5033
Black-bellied Whistling Duck DJ 5034
American Widgeon DJ 5035
Wood Duck DJ 5036
Common Goldeneye DJ 5037
Ring Necked Duck DJ 5038
Northern Pintail DJ 5039
Mallard DJ 5040
Hooded Merganser DJ 5041
Ring Necked Duck DJ 5042
Northern Pintail DJ 5043
Mallards DJ 5044
Northern Pintail DJ 5045
Mallards DJ 5047
Wood Duck DJ 5048
Northern Pintail DJ 5049
Mallards DJ 5050
Long tailed Duck DJ 5052
Northern Pintail DJ 5053
American Widgeon DJ 5055
Northern Shoveler DJ 5056
Barrow's Goldeneye DJ 5057
Northern Pintail DJ 5058
Green Wing Teal DJ 5059
Mallards DJ 5060
Snow Geese DJ 5026
Greater White Fronted Goose DJ 5046
Snow Geese DJ 5049
Snow Geese DJ 5051
Canada Geese DJ 5054
Canada Goose DJ 5061
Filan Granary CH 2737
Spokane Light Dome CH 3920
Spokane Carousel CH 3921
Spokane Carousel CH 3922
Spokane River Walk CH 3923
Spokane River Walk CH 3924
Steptoe Farms CH 2738
Steptoe Clouds and Fields CH 2739
Steptoe Clouds CH 2740 (copy)
Steptoe Sunrise CH 2741
Steptoe Views CH 2742
Steptoe Colorful Clouds CH 2743
Steptoe Whitman County CH 2744
Steptoe Wildflowers CH 2745
Dahmen Barn CH 2746
Cape Disappointment CH 2748 #2
Cape Disappointment CH 2747 #1
Cape Disappointment CH 2749 #3 (copy)
Palouse Waterfall CH 2750
Yaquina Lighthouse CH 2563
Yaquina Lighthouse CH 2564
Coquille Lighthouse CH 2565
Cape Blanco CH 2566
Cannon Beach CH 2567
Pacific Sunset CH 2568
Ecola State Park CH 2569
Cannon Beach CH 2570
North Head Lighthouse CH 2571
Bobcat DJ 820
American Bison DJ 050
American Bison DJ 053
American Bison DJ 033
American Bison DJ 034
American Bison DJ 035
American Bison DJ 036
American Bison DJ 037
American Bison DJ 038
American Bison DJ 039
American Bison DJ 040
American Bison DJ 041
American Bison DJ 042
American Bison DJ 043
American Bison DJ 044
American Bison DJ 045
American Bison DJ 046
American Bison DJ 047
American Bison DJ 048
American Bison DJ 049
American Bison DJ 050
American Bison DJ 051
Black Bear DJ 242
Black Bear DJ 214
Black Bear DJ 215
Black Bear DJ 216
Black Bear DJ 217
Black Bear DJ 218
Black Bear DJ 219
Black Bear DJ 220
Black Bear DJ 221
Black Bear DJ 223
Black Bear DJ 225
Black Bear DJ 226
Black Bear DJ 227
Black Bear DJ 228
Black Bear DJ 229
Black Bear DJ 230
Black Bear DJ 231
Black Bear DJ 232
Black Bear DJ 233
Black Bear DJ 234
Black Bear DJ 235
Black Bear DJ 236
Black Bear DJ 237
Black Bear DJ 238
Black Bear DJ 239
Black Bear DJ 240
Black Bear DJ 241
Black Bear DJ 243
Grizzly 614
Grizzly 615
Grizzly 616
Grizzly 617
Grizzly 618
Grizzly 619
Grizzly 620
Grizzly 621
Grizzly 622
Grizzly 623
Grizzly 624
Grizzly 625
Grizzly 626
Grizzly 627
Grizzly 628
Grizzly 629
Grizzly 630
Grizzly 631
Grizzly 632
Grizzly 633
Grizzly 634
Grizzly 635
Grizzly 636
Grizzly 637
Grizzly 638
Grizzly 639
Grizzly 640
Grizzly 641
Grizzly 642
Grizzly 643
Grizzly 644
Grizzly 645
Elk DJ 440
Moose DJ 912
Moose DJ 913
Moose DJ 914
Moose DJ 915
Moose DJ 916
Moose DJ 917
Moose DJ 918
Moose DJ 919
Moose DJ 920
Moose DJ 921
Moose DJ 922
Moose DJ 923
Moose DJ 925
Moose DJ 926
Moose DJ 927
Moose DJ 928
Moose DJ 929
Moose DJ 930
Moose DJ 931
Moose DJ 932
Moose DJ 933
Moose DJ 934
Moose DJ 935
Moose DJ 936
Moose DJ 937
Moose DJ 938
Moose DJ 939
Moose DJ 940
Moose DJ 941
Moose DJ 942
Moose DJ 943
Moose DJ 944
Moose DJ 945
Moose DJ 946
Moose DJ 947
Moose DJ 948
Moose DJ 949
Moose DJ 950
Moose DJ 951
Moose DJ 952
Moose DJ 953
Elk DJ 441
Elk DJ 442
Elk DJ 443
Elk DJ 444
Elk DJ 445
Elk DJ 447
Elk DJ 448
Elk DJ 449
Elk DJ 450
Elk DJ 451
Elk DJ 452
Elk DJ 453
Elk DJ 454
Elk DJ 455
Elk DJ 456
Elk DJ 457
Elk DJ 458
Elk DJ 459
Elk DJ 460
Elk DJ 462
Elk DJ 463
Elk DJ 464
Elk DJ 465
Elk DJ 466
Elk DJ 467
Elk DJ 468
Wild Sheep DJ 1717
Sage Grouse DJ 508
Ruffed Grouse DJ 509
Ruffed Grouse DJ 510
Mountain Goat DJ 1024
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1206
Pronghorn Antelope DJ 1207
Dall Sheep DJ 1718
Wild Horse DJ 1621
Wild Horse DJ 1622
Wild Horse DJ 1623
Wild Horse DJ 1624
Wolf DJ 1917
Mule Deer DJ 1107
Mule Deer DJ 1108
Mule Deer DJ 1109
Mule Deer DJ 1110
Bald Eagle DJ 143
Bald Eagle DJ 144
Bald Eagle DJ 145
Great Gray Owl DJ 147
Great Gray Owl DJ 148
Great Gray Owl DJ 149
Great Gray Owl DJ 150
Long-eared Owl DJ 151
Short-eared Owl DJ 152
Snowy Owl DJ 153
Snowy Owl DJ 154
Belted Kingfisher DJ 712
Black-chinned Hummingbird DJ 713
Black-chinned Hummingbird DJ 714
Blue Jay DJ 1365
Rufus Hummingbird DJ 717
Whitetail DJ 1515
Pine Squirrel DJ 821
Racoon DJ 822
Racoon DJ 823
Red Fox DJ 826
Red Fox DJ 827
White-tailed Jackrabbit DJ 828
Whitetail Deer DJ 1516
Whitetail Deer DJ 1517
Whitetail Deer DJ 1518
Whitetail Deer DJ 1519
Whitetail Deer DJ 1520
Whitetail Deer DJ 1521
Whitetail Deer DJ 1522
Whitetail Deer DJ 1523
Whitetail Deer DJ 1524
Waterfowl DJ 1414
Waterfowl DJ 1415
Waterfowl DJ 1416
Waterfowl DJ 1417
Waterfowl DJ 1418
Waterfowl DJ 1419
Waterfowl DJ 1420
Waterfowl DJ 1421
Waterfowl DJ 1423
Waterfowl DJ 1424
Waterfowl DJ 1425
Waterfowl DJ 1426
Wild Sheep DJ 1720
Wild Sheep DJ 1721
Wild Sheep DJ 1722
Wild Sheep DJ 1723
Wild Sheep DJ 1724
Wild Sheep DJ 1725
Wild Sheep DJ 1726
Wild Sheep DJ 1727
Wild Sheep DJ 1728
Canada Goose DJ 5063
Wood Duck DJ 5064
Wood Duck DJ 5065
Wood Duck DJ 5066
Wood Duck DJ 5067
Canada Goose DJ 5063
Chickadee DJ 133
Cassins Finch DJ 1338
Clay-colored Sparrow DJ 1339
Common Redpoll DJ 1340
Lazuli Bunting DJ 1344
Mountain Bluebird DJ 1345
Northern Cardinal DJ 1347
Pine Grosbeak DJ 1348
Western Tanager DJ 1349
Yellow Warbler DJ 1351
Bobcat DJ 830
Bobcat DJ 831
Brown Bear S6 377
Sunflower PA 4037
Flower PA 4038
Flower PA 4039
Flower PA 4040
Flower PA 4041
Flower PA 4042
Flower PA 4043
Flower PA 4044
Flower PA 4045
Flower PA 4046
Flower PA 4047
Flower PA 4048
Flower PA 4049
Flower PA 4050
Flower PA 4051
Flower PA 4052
Flower PA 4053
Flower PA 4054
Flower PA 4055
Flower PA 4056
Flower PA 4057
Flower PA 4058
Flower PA 4059
Flower PA 4060
Flower PA 4061
Flower PA 4062
Flower PA 4063
Flower PA 4064
Flower PA 4065
Flower PA 4066
Flower PA 4067
Flower PA 4068
Flower PA 4069
Flower PA 4070
Flower PA 4071
Flower PA 4072
Flower PA 4073
Flower PA 4074
Flower PA 4075
Flower PA 4076
Flower PA 4077
Flower PA 4078
Flower PA 4079
Flower PA 4080
Flower PA 4081
Flower PA 4082
Flower PA 4083
Flower PA 4084
Flower PA 4085
Flower PA 4086
Flower PA 4087
Flower PA 4088
Flower PA 4089
Flower PA 4090
Flower PA 4091
Flower PA 4092
Flower PA 4093
Flower PA 4094
Flower PA 4095
Flower PA 4096
Flower PA 4097
Flower PA 4098
Flower PA 4099
Flower PA 4122
Flower PA 4123
Flower PA 4124
Flower PA 4125
Flower PA 4126
Flower PA 4127
Flower PA 4128
Flower PA 4129
Flower PA 4130
Flower PA 4131
Flower PA 4132
Flower PA 4133
Flower PA 4134
Flower PA 4135
Flower PA 4136
Flower PA 4137
Flower PA 4138
Flower PA 4139
Flower PA 4140
American Goldfinch DJ 1355
American Robin DJ 1356
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1357
Cassins Finch DJ 1359
Common Redpoll DJ 1360
Northern Cardinal DJ 1362
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1358
Chestnut-backed Chickadee DJ 1363
Red Fox DJ 832
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1364
Cougar DJ 833
Racoon DJ 823
Going to the Sun PA 6865
Waterfall, Red Rocks PA 2492
Waterfall, Red Rocks #2 PA 2493
McDonald Creek PA 2494
Going to the Sun Road PA2495
Sacred Waters PA 2496
Sacred Waters PA 2497
Sacred Waters PA 2498
Sacred Waters PA 2499
Lincoln Creek 2200-1
McDonald Creek PA 2200-2
Going to the Sun PA 2200-3
McDonald Creek PA 2200-4
McDonald Falls PA 2200-5
McDonald Falls PA 2200-6
Belton Bridge PA2200-7
McDonald Creek PA 2200-8
Sacred Waters PA 2200-9
Going to the Sun Road PA 2200-10
McDonald Lake Boats PA 2200-11
Canoes PA 2200-12
Avalanche Bridge PA 2200-13
Avalanche Creek and Moss PA 2200-14
McDonald Falls PA 2200-15
Rock Creek Walking Bridge PA 2400-4
Red Barn Flathead Lake PA 2400-5
Flathead Lake Docks PA 2400-6
Cowboy Hats PA 2400-8
Sunrise on Docks PA 2400-9
Couple Watching Sunrise PA 2400-10
Volunteer Park Sunrise PA 2400-11
Aspens and Docks PA 2400-12
Flathead Lake Sunrise PA 2400-13
Hungry Horse Reservoir Autumn PA 2400-15
Hungry Horse Reservoir Autumn PA 2400-20
Graves Creek PA 2400-16
Graves Creek PA 2400-17
Graves Creek PA 2400-18
Flathead River South Fork PA 9391
Flathead Lake Chairs PA 2400-21
Violin and Roses PA 2400-22
Black Rifle and Pistol PA 2400-23
JUMP PA 2400-23
Old Faithful PA 2851
Bear Mountain PA 2400-24
Violin and Roses PA 4141
American Redstart DJ 1388
American Robin DJ 1389
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1390
Blue Jay DJ 1391
Bobolink DJ 1392
Canada Goose DJ 5074
Cedar Waxwings DJ 1393
Chipping Sparrow DJ 1394
Common Yellowthroat DJ 1395
Evening Grosbeak DJ 1396
Downy Woodpecker DJ 1397
Eastern Bluebird DJ 1398
Great Blue Heron DJ 1427
Mourning Dove DJ 1399
Northern Cardinal DJ 1300-01
Northern Flicker DJ 1300-02
Osprey DJ 156
Pileated Woodpecker DJ 1300-03
Red-tailed Hawk DJ 157
Red-wing Blackbird DJ 1300-04
Ring-neck Pheasant DJ 744
Rose-breasted Grosbeak DJ 1300-5
Song Sparrow DJ 1300-06
Tufted Titmouse DJ 1300-07
Western Meadowlark DJ 1300-08
White-throated Sparrow DJ 1300-09
Yellow Warbler DJ 1300-10
Black-capped Chickadee DJ 1300-11
American Goldfinch DJ 1300-12
American Kestrel DJ 158
American Redstart DJ 1300-13
American Robin DJ 1300-14
Baltimore Oriole DJ 1300-15
Barred Owl DJ 158
Blue Jay DJ 1300-16
Brown-headed Cowbird DJ 1300-17
Chipping Sparrow DJ 1300-18
Canada Goose DJ 5075
Dark-eyed Junco DJ 1300-19
Eastern Bluebird DJ 1300-20
Eastern Kingbird DJ 1300-21
Evening Grosbeak DJ 1300-22
Great Blue Heron DJ 1428
Great Gray Owl DJ 159
House Finch DJ 1300-23
Mallard DJ 5076
Northern Pintail DJ 5077
Red-eyed Vireo DJ 1300-24
Red-wing Blackbird DJ 1300-25
Ring-neck Pheasant DJ 745
Rose-breasted Grosbeak DJ 1300-26
Sandhill Crane DJ 1429
Snow Goose DJ 5078
Tufted Titmouse DJ 1300-27
Tundra Swans DJ 1430
White-throated Sparrow DJ 1300-28
Yellow-rumped Warbler DJ 1300-29
American Kestrel DJ 160
American Bald Eagle DJ 161
Barred Owl DJ 162
Bobolink DJ 1300-30
Brown Thrasher DJ 1300-31
Canada Goose DJ 5079
Cedar Waxwings DJ 1300-33
Common Grackle DJ 1300-32
Common Yellowthroat DJ 1300-34
Dark-eyed Junco DJ 1300-35
Downy Woodpecker DJ 1300-36
Gray Catbird DJ 1300-37
House Finch DJ 1300-38
Mourning Dove DJ 1300-39
Northern Flicker DJ 1300-40
Osprey DJ 163
Pileated Woodpecker DJ 1300-41
White-tailed Nuthatch CJ 1300-41
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